How to Get an Approved Google Adsense Account in 24 Hours

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Getting an approved google adsense account is not easy now. Google Adsense team will reject your application for different causes. These are some tips to get an approved adsense account.

1. Open A Free Blog In Weebly (Recomended) not In Blogger.

You may hear the name of weebly dot com.Here you can create a blog free in weebly just like blogger. After open a blog there input some good article in your weebly blog then apply to adsense through weebly. You will get this option at the top of your blog’s dashboard. Dont apply with blogspot domain as it is owned by google. Use weebly or hubpage to get your adsense accont approved.

2. Own A Domain That Costs Under 1 Dollar

As adsense want top level domain then you may consider to open a dot info domain which costs only few cents. Then host it in blogger or wordpress and input some articles. If you dont have enough time then you may use free article directory sites to get some free articles. But your own written unique articles are always recommneded or spin those free articles and then post it in your blog.

3. Use A Vaild Email Address

Use a valid email address while making an application for an adsense account. I personally recommend to open a new email address in gmail in order to apply.

4. Other Tips To Consider

Chose an excellent good looking professional template. It is for making a first look good impression. If any case adsense reject your application dont apply again before one month. In the mean time put some more quality articles and drive some traffic to your blog and then apply again.

So these are some tricks i know. Dont be dissapoint if they reject your first application ! I have seen one of my friend got his application approve after 3 attempts in two month with the same blogger blog back in 2008. Share us if yo got some more tips by commenting.

5. Now use your Google Adsense Account for any blog or website.