How To Get More Traffic to your Blog

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It's quite easy to build a blog but most blog owners are faced with the challenge of driving meaningful traffic to their site. The primary objective of building a blog is for people to read your stuffs, right? But how then can you make this happen? How can you make your site appear in first pages of web search results? How can you keep visitors coming back every now and then? People often ask me this questions and I'll try to do the little i can to answer them in this post based on my little experience.

1. Write long, informative, original posts.
2. Do not rely on copied materials from other sites.
3 . Submit your site to popular search engines.
4. Using Google webmaster's tools is very good for knowing your most valuable keywords and top search queries.
5. Submit your blog to blog directories like blogcatalog and technorati.
6. Promote your blog on social networks like facebook and twitter.
7. Write and submit articles to article directories with your site link included.
8. Make sure your readers can subscribe via email or rss. Use feedburner
9. Encourage your readers to comment and respond to comments as new comments invites spiders.
10. Always update your blog with new posts at regular intervals.

11. Always write in simple and easy to understand English. Having too many grammatical errors is unforgivable.
12. Develop a sense of humour in your blog posts.
13. Don't be boring.
14. Contact blog owners for link exchange. Some will turn you down definitely but having your links appears in several places on the internet makes you gain favour with search engines.
15. Use a nice looking template good for SEO.
16. Using too many graphics, javascript and flash that increase page load time is not advisable.
17. Link your blog posts.
18. Link to other blogs or sites relating to your subject matter. It goes a long way in helping.
19. Encorage your readers to share your posts on their favourite social network.
20. Make an effort to comment on other blogs with your link included.
21. Never take your readers for granted.
22. Use pictures in your blog posts. Sometimes pictures communicate more than words.
23. Use pingomatic or some other services to ping your blog each time you make a new post.
24. Track your visitors to monitor their behaviour. This helps to know where to improve on.
25. Endeavour to be the very best in your category!